Disability Awareness Activities

Vision Awareness Activity

This activity will give you an awareness of what it might feel like to have trouble seeing.

Hearing Awareness Activity

This activity will give you an awareness of what it might feel like to have trouble hearing.


Speech Awareness Activity

This activity will give you an awareness of what it might feel like to have trouble speaking.

Physical Ability Awareness Activity (legs)

This activity will give you an awareness of what it might feel like to have trouble using your legs and fee

Physical Ability (hands/fingers) Awareness Activity

This activity will give you an awareness of what it might feel like to have trouble using your fingers or hands.

Health Awareness Activities

This activity will give you an awareness of Health problems, like Asthma or Allergies.

GirlTopia Senior Take Action Project:

Pinterest page activity on Differently Abled people who ROCKED THE WORLD!!

Mission Sisterhood Senior GS Take Action Project: 

Slide presentation activity: Friendships with people who use AAC .

Try one or more of the Disability Awareness Activities.  When you are done, please answer 7 quick survey questions to help measure this Gold Award project’s success. It should take less than a minute or two. Thank you. 

Contact me if you would like to know more about my Girl Scout Gold Award.