Disability Awareness Activities
Vision Awareness Activity
This activity will give you an awareness of what it might feel like to have trouble seeing.
Hearing Awareness Activity
This activity will give you an awareness of what it might feel like to have trouble hearing.
Speech Awareness Activity
This activity will give you an awareness of what it might feel like to have trouble speaking.
Physical Ability Awareness Activity (legs)
This activity will give you an awareness of what it might feel like to have trouble using your legs and fee
Physical Ability (hands/fingers) Awareness Activity
This activity will give you an awareness of what it might feel like to have trouble using your fingers or hands.
Health Awareness Activities
This activity will give you an awareness of Health problems, like Asthma or Allergies.
GirlTopia Senior Take Action Project:
Pinterest page activity on Differently Abled people who ROCKED THE WORLD!!